A blog in which I ramble and rant, because I'm going mad with all these blog entries dictating themselves in my head at night. So far the theme has been one of amateur philosophy, social criticism and a little anthropology. But anything goes (rules aren't really my thing) check out the blog for shorter musings, I'll try to be brief, or go to the articles section for thoughts that needed more exploration. ( So far that's only one, but I'm particularly pleased with it. Want to know how the Neolithic Revolution could be responsible for sexism? check it out here )
Of sorts, and a disclaimer. I'm not a world class scholar. I research, I absorb, I analyse, I make connections and I regurgitate. I do not quote sources and I rely often on suppositions, some of them my own. Often I do try to research the provenance of my facts, but I work in a chaotic way and to be honest my mind jumps too fast for me to have the patience to quote sources, it's just not how I work.
I consider myself an open-minded sceptic on most topics, meaning I don't take anything too seriously I hope, and I try to give every idea a fair chance. I guess my point is that my writings should be approached the way everything in life in general - and the internet in particular - should be. I do my best to practice the radical art of critical thinking - I listen to what people have to say, check things out for myself to the best of my abilities, and make my own mind up. Think for myself. But by no means am I any kind of scholarly researcher, I am an amateur who takes an interest in many things. So enjoy this strange world around us - it's a lot more interesting when you ask questions.